Knowledge Base is retired Zoroark Chibi Head

Hello! Thank you for your interest in the Knowledge Base. Unfortunately, most of the content was severely out of date and has been removed. This website is therefore no longer maintained.

Where can I find what was here?

You can still see all of the content on GitHub, but beware, it may not be the most accurate content you have ever seen.

  • Some of the articles and files have been migrated to my personal blog. You can find them here.
  • The S2 project guide is still available at its original address here

I do not plan on open sourcing the website itself, as there is pretty much nothing interesting here. All of the actually interesting content is on the aforementioned GitHub repository.

While direct links to the articles that were here still work (the articles are still present, they’re just not listed here anymore), I do not plan on maintaining them at all, hence their somewhat “hidden” status.